Clark Memorial Higher Secondary School

Education in Nagaland was introduced by the American Baptist Missionaries through which the eye of the Nagas were opened. At first, the Nagas from Dekahaimong (Mulong) met Dr. E.W. Clark at Sibsagar when he was teaching some boys in a class room and his attention was drawn to these wild Nagas. This was the first invitation word from the Nagas to Dr. E.W. Clark, “Come up to our Village in the hills, Sahib and teach our children to talk with books. We will give you our children that you may teach them the new way”.

            In 1872, Dr. E.W. Clark came up and the first church in Naga soil was established at Dekahaimong. Even that time he spoke with the elders to open a school with the help of Godhula the first preacher of Assam. Dr. Clark came up to live and work for the Nagas in 1876. Hence in 1886 there were 8 Primary Mission Schools in 8 Villages with a total enrolment of 56 pupils. He had a vision to open High School also. Thus he wrote to the Home Board in June 4 1888. “There should be a high school to take the best pupils of the village schools and give them good training for teachers and preachers.” Again in 1889 he wrote, “Without giving a Christian education to the Nagas, Christianity cannot be deeply rooted in the heart of the people.”

            In order to give better and more effective service not only to the Aos but also to neighbouring tribes, it became necessity to move the mission station to a Central place and the Impur Mission Station was established in 1894. Here the first thing to be done by this mission was to open a school. The year 1894 shall always stand as a turning point and hallmark in the history of the mission work among the Aos. It was in this year that the three Missionaries – Dr. Clark, Rev. Perrine and Rev. Haggard chose Impur to be the centre of Christian activities and outreach.

Thus, this institution CMHSS came into being and is still surviving as American Missionary heritage school. At first the school was opened as a Mission Training school on 11th April 1895 but now it has been upgraded to Higher Secondary school.  It imparts not only quality education, but nurture the students’ life spiritually.


In 1995, the school celebrated its 100th year on account of which a lot of achievement has been brought in as a milestone of the history of this school. The transformation that has come to life of many leaders and to our society through this school cannot be easily measured. This school has been the pioneer institution for years producing teachers for schools, evangelists and Pastors for churches. It is also worth mentioning that many students of this school have become Ministers, Secretaries, Directors, Engineers, Doctors even Chief Ministers of our state.

CMHSS is the oldest surviving American Missionary heritage school in Nagaland. The main purpose of establishing this school was for the expansion of the Kingdom of God through the gospel of Christ. Therefore it is believed that the blessing of God is in this school for the Nagas. Thus the consistency of the standard is going on through the grace of God in his purpose. It is our prayer that God will never leave this school in destitute for the sacrificial handy work of the American Missionaries