Community Healthcare Drive held

Impur Christian Hospital (ICH) successfully organized a Community Health Care drive at Merangkong Village on March 28, 2024. 

Altogether 106 people including Palliative patients have been given free medical treatment and medicines.

Today, health care has become one of the priorities for a healthy community. However, not everyone is able to avail proper medical attention for various reasons. In order to reach out to every one of them, this healthcare drive was organized. Dr. Aka Longchar MS, ICH, and Dr. Abigail Rai Medical Officier, ICH, headed the team.

Asso. Pastor Women aser Dorka Cell / Kiyim Lanutsür sentong agi

ABAM WM ajanga ayonga Asso. Pastor Women aser Dorka Cell / Kiyim Lanutsür sentong kanga takok nung March 15-17, 2024, Impur nung agiogo. 

Dorka Cell / Kiyim Lanutsür ya Arogo nung kanga tongtipang telok ka lir. Kibong tim anebalu asüba nung yimjung, tesünep aser temoatsü lir. Yamaji tanü  Dorka Cell / Kiyim Lanutsür ya kibong anebaluba telok lir. Kibong jungra lokti ajak junga alitsü alinung ABAM WM ajanga parnok dak temelenshi bener arutsü tashi lir ta amanga iba sentong ya "Temaleni" omen nung agi. 

Tetsü Oshi Terenlok sentong agi

ABAM Education & Literature Ministry ajanga ayonga tsüklai (Feb) 21, 2024, anogo International Mother Language Day amongba den külemi "Tetsü Oshi Terenlok" sentong ka Impur nung kanga takok ngua agiogo.

Iba sentong nung ABAM staff, Ao Riju, Ao Kaketshir Mungdang (AKM), aser Aor Tsükong trok nungi kaketshir lenirtem ajak agi nisung 60 shi arua iba sentong nung aden. 

Pastors and Spouses program held

ABAM Church & Mission Ministry organized a special program for the Pastors and their spouses on February 14-16, 2024, at Impur. Altogether 153 comprised of Pastors and spouses from 68 Churches and 3 Fellowships attended the program. In a situation where the harvest is plenteous and the call for laborers is paramount, working together as a family could contribute significantly to the call. And to respond to the call, it felt that it should start with the Pastor’s family for which this program was organized.