Contextual training held

Contextual training under the theme "Rooted in the Word" Col. 2:7 organized by the ABAM YM was successfully held from Feb. 27 -29, 2024 at Jubilee Memorial Centre, Kohima.

Altogether 95 Asso. Pastor Youth attended the training.
In such a context where the modern technological pluralistic wave has already taken a grip on the Youths, the nominalism in the faith has become very alarming. To adapt to the wave while maintaining strict Christian discipline has become a real challenge. To achieve that balanced life, this training was organized covering topics such as; Youth Pastor in an AI culture, Developing Emotional Quotient and Spiritual Quotient principles in Biblical Leadership, Balancing Entertainment vs Spirituality, Navigating Social Media and Technology in Youth Ministry, and Revisiting and Envisioning Movements of ABAM YM. 

Resource persons were:

Rev. Sentisashi,  Pastor KABA, Rev. N. Suhuto Chishi, Youth Secretary, NBCC, Toshi Sanglir, Secretary, ABAM YM, and Mr. Tekatemjen, Coordinator, ABAM YM. 

As we minister in the context of such a pluralistic wave, we look forward to seeing leaders who would come up with realistic ideologies and provide apt leadership.



Rev. Dr. Mar Pongener 

Executive Secretary, ABAM